What is the product I ordered is sold out?
Unfortunately, it can happen that some of our products or sizes visible online might be sold out. In such cases we will contact you by e-mail and let you decide, whether you prefer to cancel the order or proceed without the missing product. Please note that you will have 24 hours to respond. If we do not receive any reply from you, the order will automatically be sent without the missing product, for which you will not be charged. The missing product will appear on your initial order confirmation but will not appear on your final invoice.
What forms of payments do you accept?
We accept the following credit cards: Visa Credit Card, MasterCard Credit Card, Discover and American Express. We will not charge you before the products are shipped. The confirmation e-mail will be sent to you after you have placed the order. Please remember to go through it and check if it contains the products that you have chosen. If you find any divergences, please contact our customer service at contact@lisca.ca as soon as possible.
How can I be sure to pick and receive the right size?
It is important that you measure yourself properly before buying any piece of underwear or other Lisca products. Lisca Lingerie is in European sizes so please review our size guides and find out which size would fit you the best. Please check our sizing guide on this page . If you would like to find out more about a product please contact our Customer Service at contact@lisca.ca.
Can I change or cancel my order once it is placed?
f you wish to change or cancel your order, please contact our customer service as quickly as possible at contact@lisca.ca. . If your order has not yet been shipped we can change it. If your order has already been shipped you can return it to us. We are unable to cancel any order that has begun the shipping process. We will make every attempt to stop your package before its ships, but cannot guarantee success.